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Webhook events and their payloads

Upon creation or updating of a payload, you can choose a list of categories for which your configured endpoint should receive deliveries for. Every delivery of every category shares common properties and contain per-event specific data in the payload property.

Common properties

idStringBase64UuidUnique ID of this event. This is shared by every delivery across all webhooks
typeStringEvent Type in format category.event
senderOptional ObjectUserSummaryThe user that caused this event to be emitted. May be null
workspaceObjectWorkspaceThe workspace in which this event occurred
webhookStringBase64UuidWebhook ID of this very webhook subscriber. This is unique across all of Fiberplane.
payloadAnyDiffers across types. Please see sections below for specification of this value.


Every delivery includes custom headers

X-Fiberplane-SignatureHMAC SHA512 signature of this payloadSee Securing your webhook
X-Fiberplane-TimestampDate and time at which this webhook payload was sent as a RFC 3339 formatted timestamp
X-Fiberplane-ETagSHA-512 hash of the request body. Must be used to prevent double handling of the same event

Example payload

POST /delivery HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Fiberplane Webhooks (
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Content-Type: application/vnd.fiberplane.webhook+json
X-Fiberplane-Signature: v1=201a8c2ed54b17481b87347bf6491b32bc23b607d38f80a249ede4a687ddb69347ab40e4253f2d4dce667ff8227487de72b4151d43d0748c6a0d35aaebca941d
X-Fiberplane-Timestamp: 2023-03-16T11:49:34Z
X-Fiberplane-ETag: d901855b7939b02f8525c48241f10cb6a2936b53e922cc626f040188dd1d4af40e1b343351c66e8499f47878c6f32e57c3aa1d4346e7872e56f6abf9d0a82714
"id": "LL1cDW2QSvq72y1C0dMBdQ",
"type": "frontmatter.update",
"sender": {
"id": "VZBuD3DJRAqaFtYfxb9eYQ",
"email": "",
"name": "Mari Steiner"
"workspace": {
"id": "0li9_5B8Sq2fPg7oLfZ5nw",
"name": "fiberplane",
"displayName": "Fiberplane",
"type": "organization",
"ownerId": "rTsmdSOGQqWFvBqYCtV-4Q",
"defaultDataSources": {},
"createdAt": "2022-11-14T15:23:25.777867Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-11-14T15:23:25.777867Z"
"webhook": "aGlDTe73R6S-wFB4B0F9Zw",
"payload": {
"notebook": {
"id": "JP7mS-N8Q9-vgAZCnRIqwQ",
"workspaceId": "0li9_5B8Sq2fPg7oLfZ5nw",
"createdAt": "2023-03-16T11:49:34Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-03-16T11:49:34Z",
"title": "RFC-92 Webhooks Implementation Detail",
"visibility": "private",
"createdBy": {
"type": "user",
"id": "VZBuD3DJRAqaFtYfxb9eYQ",
"name": "Mari Steiner"
"labels": [
"key": "status",
"value": "pending"
"key": "type",
"value": "rfc"
"diff": {
"updates": {
"severity": "critical"
"removals": {}


Category: ping (0)

This event occurs when creating a new webhook or updating an existing one. It is used to verify whenever the endpoint works correctly. If the endpoint fails to respond with a 2xx status code, the webhook will be disabled. For more information see the Webhooks introduction.

The payload property is an empty object.


Category: frontmatter (1)

An existing front matter property has been updated, a new one has been created or one has been deleted. You will receive this event for every notebook in the whole workspace.

The payload property is an object with the following properties:

notebookObjectNotebookSummarySummary about the notebook in which the front matter was updated
diffObjectSee belowThe difference between before and now

diff object:

updatesObjectKey: String / Value: Any JSON valueAll updated front matter keys and their updated value
removalsObjectKey: String / Value: Any JSON valueAll removed front matter keys and their value prior to being removed


Category: frontmatter (1)

All front matter properties for a given notebook have been deleted. You will receive this event for every notebook in the whole workspace.

The payload property is an object with the following properties:

notebookObjectNotebookSummarySummary about the notebook in which the front matter was cleared