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Securing your webhook

After you created your webhook, you received a shared secret which is a random 32 character hexadecimal string. If you did not save it, you can update the webhook and request a regeneration of the shared secret.

The request body + timestamp will be signed with that very shared secret using the algorithm HMAC SHA-512. The hex-digest will be sent with every request in the X-Fiberplane-Signature header. The format of the header is v1=[signature].

Keep in mind that this shared secret approach only protects against a third-party sending a fake payload in the name of Fiberplane to your endpoint. It does not ensure secrecy. If you want to ensure secrecy, we strongly recommend using HTTPS for your payload handling server. Please note that your certificate must be trusted by the Mozilla Trust Store and cannot be self-signed.

Python example

We can extend our server from the previous chapter to verify the signature:

from flask import Flask, request
import bytes
import os
import hmac
import hashlib
shared_secret = bytes.fromhex(os.environ['FIBERPLANE_WEBHOOK_SHARED_SECRET'])
app = Flask(__name__)
def verify_payload(data, signature, timestamp):
digest =, b''.join([bytes(data, 'utf8'),bytes(timestamp, 'utf8')]), hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()
return hmac.compare_digest(digest, signature)
@app.route("/delivery", methods=["POST"])
def handle_delivery():
if not verify_payload(, request.headers.get("X-Fiberplane-Signature")[3:], request.headers.get("X-Fiberplane-Timestamp")):
return "Mismatching signature", 401
payload = request.get_json(force=True)
print(f"Received delivery from Fiberplane: {payload}")
return "OK", 200

Now we will check every incoming request for a matching signature found in the X-Fiberplane-Signature header. If the verification fails, we will respond with status code 401.