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Creating a Provider

This tutorial aims to help you create and modify your first provider. It will not touch “advanced” cell types like the graph and the log cells, but will help you integrate a third-party resource so that any output from it can be added to a notebook with only a / command (we call those “slash commands”).

This tutorial focuses on writing the provider in Rust, to be able to use the convenience macros from Fiberplane Provider Development Kit (PDK). Provider Development Kits for other languages are coming later.

All the code for the provider created through this tutorial is available on Github

Prepare the relevant resources

Install Rust and the Web Assembly tools

The necessary tools to install to work with Fiberplane Provider Development Kit are:


Rustup, the Rust toolchain handler. Follow the tutorial to install Rust on your machine.

WebAssembly compilation target

Add the wasm32-unknown-unknown “target” with rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown.

WebAssembly optimizers

Install wasm-opt to optimize your plugins before they reach production. Wasm-opt is part of binaryen tools. The best way to install this is to

  • Go to the releases page and then download the tarball for the latest release (version 111 as of the day of writing). I am showing it in command line:
Terminal window
# <some output>
ls -la
# .rw-r--r--@ 5.1M you 22 Nov 2022 binaryen-version_111-arm64-macos.tar.gz
  • Decompress the tarball in a directory on your machine.
Terminal window
tar -xzf binaryen-version_111-arm64-macos.tar.gz
ls binaryen-version_111/
# bin include lib
  • Add the bin subdirectory of the tarball to your path. In the example below, we assume that the tarball has been decompressed in /Users/you/opt
Terminal window
# In your shell rc file (.bashrc, .zshrc, .config/fish/
export PATH="/Users/you/opt/binaryen-version_111/bin:${PATH}"


Start a new terminal to make sure that all your environment variables are properly “refreshed”, and then make sure that you have all the correct tooling for the rest of the tutorial:

Terminal window
$ which cargo

If you don’t have cargo, you probably missed something in the Rust installation step in Rustup.

Terminal window
$ rustup target list --installed

The aarch64-apple-darwin is the native target of my machine (Apple Silicon on MacOS), the important part is to make sure that you have wasm32-unknown-unknown target. If you don’t have it, add the target with rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Terminal window
$ which wasm-opt

Find the documentation of the external resource

For this tutorial we will integrate the placeholder API with Fiberplane. Therefore we need to find the relevant documentation for it, and decide on the necessary configuration values we want to have in the provider.

Deciding on the features we can have and want to have

We’ll assume that this API is actually a catnip dispenser API, so we want to know which User entity is the closest to a given location given as (latitude, longitude) pair.

Each small scenario like that will make a query in the provider.

Deciding on configuration schema for the provider

Since this API can be hosted on different locations, we want to have the endpoint of the API as a configuration value for the provider. That means we only need to set this URL once, and no user will have to worry about it again.

Good candidates for provider configuration values are like this: - Little or no purpose to be changed on a call-by-call basis, but - Still necessary for the provider to function correctly

By that criterion, authentication values are very good configuration values. Our API does not handle authentication though, so we won’t need it here.

Testing a SDK for serverless WebAssembly compilation

Sometimes the third party resource you want to integrate provides a Rust SDK. But beware! There are a few libraries that will fail (either at compile time or at run time) when compiled for serverless WASM. So if you are not sure that the SDK will work with serverless wasm, it is better to find a classic API (on top of HTTP or WebSocket protocols) documentation to communicate with the third party resource. We will cover “finding out if the SDK works in serverless wasm” when setting up the project. When things don’t work as expected, you can ask for help or guidance online


At that point you must know

  • what configuration values are necessary to communicate with the third party resource
  • a documentation/reference to be able to programmatically communicate with said resources

Clone the Providers repo

The current Fiberplane providers repo contains a “sample” provider that is a good base to make your provider from: our CI pipeline guarantees that the sample provider is always up-to-date with our supporting libraries, so it is the quickest way to obtain a starting template.

Clone the repository and keep the location of the sample provider somewhere handy:

Terminal window
git clone
export SAMPLE_PROVIDER_PATH="$(pwd)/providers/providers/sample"


If you never restart your terminal session again, we will have a valid path for ${SAMPLE_PROVIDER_PATH}. We will not use it for long, but the point is that you should have a fresh copy of the Fiberplane/providers repository.

Instantiate a Daemon and side-load your sample provider for use in Studio

Create your new provider repo, and test sample compilation

It’s time to create your provider repo. To avoid the usual generic names, we will create a catnip provider.

Terminal window
mkdir catnip_provider
cd catnip_provider
git init .

Once the repo is created, use the Cargo configuration feature to make the compiler default to Web Assembly compilation. Create a .cargo folder at the root of your repository:

Terminal window
.cargo/ # Create this folder

Then create a config.toml file inside:

# In .cargo/config.toml
target = "wasm32-unknown-unknown"

You can also add a few other flags if you want. At Fiberplane we add a few flags for building the providers using the least disk-space possible, you can see them in our repository

The last step to setup your replica of the sample provider is to own it by editing the Cargo.toml file in the project root to set the name of the library:

# In Cargo.toml
name = "catnip_provider"
# ... Also edit the other metadata fields as you see fit,
# no `workspace` related metadata must stay in that section
## For example:
description = "Fiberplane 'Catnip' Tutorial Provider"
authors = [ "Fiberplane <>" ]
edition = "2021"
version = "1.0.0"

You will also need to update the Cargo.toml file to replace the “workspace” dependencies with proper standalone ones:

# In Cargo.toml
# in [dependencies]
fiberplane-pdk = { version = "1.0.0" }
serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] }
# in [build-dependencies]
vergen = { version = "7.4.2", default-features = false, features = [
] }

Finally, ignore all .wasm files from the repository, to avoid accidentally pushing the providers you will build:

# In .gitignore, add lines

Feel free to check out the example Cargo.toml if you are not sure.

Make sure to commit these changes, the sample code you got automatically creates versioning variables based on git status, and at least one commit is mandatory:

Terminal window
git add .
git commit -m"Initial commit"

Important Note: from now on, you only stay in the directory of your provider repository.


Try to compile your provider, make sure that it’s targeting web assembly and then optimize the given web assembly binary.

Terminal window
## Change to the directory of your provider
cargo build && wasm-opt -Oz -c -o "./catnip.wasm" "target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/catnip_provider.wasm"

If you have a compilation error, and just copied the sample provider, make sure that you pulled the lastest version of the sample provider:

Terminal window
git checkout main && git push
cd /path/to/catnip_provider
rm -rf .
mkdir -p .cargo && cp "${SAMPLE_PROVIDER_PATH}/../.cargo/config" .cargo/config.toml

And try to compile again with cargo build.

If it still fails, then it’s an issue with our own provider development kit. Please file an issue to the repo with the title “Sample Provider does not compile”.

Wasm optimization error

If the wasm-opt operation fails, it can mostly fail for 2 reasons:

  • wasm-opt is not in PATH. If so, check the setup step earlier and make sure to pass the checkpoint
  • target/wasm32-... doesn’t exist.

To resolve:

  • check that the name of the library crate matches the name of the wasm you’re optimizing.
  • check that you have correctly created the .cargo/config.toml file that changes the default compilation target to wasm32-unknown-unknown.

Install Fiberplane Daemon and setup the token to load the sample provider in the Daemon

Install the Daemon

Install Fiberplane Daemon using cargo:

Terminal window
cargo install --locked fpd

Create a token for the daemon in your personal workspace

Go to Fiberplane Studio, make sure you are currently in your personal workspace in the top left corner after logging in.

Click the Settings cogs in the bottom left corner of the screen, and go to the “FPD” category.

Erratum: In all the following screenshot, you will see mentions of “Proxy” instead of “FPD”. Proxy is the old name we had for Fiberplane Daemon, so please mentally replace all “Proxy” mentions with “FPD”.

Select the "FPD" category on the bottom left settings cog

There, you will be able to create a new “FPD”, which needs a name (For example tutorial-proxy), and then you will get a token. Do not lose it!!

The FPD management page

Choosing a name for the new FPD

This token is a mandatory argument to run the Daemon on your machine, so that it can connect to Fiberplane Studio. A good way to save it is to put it in your environment, as the Daemon will look into the environment for the token if not provided in the command line:

Terminal window
export TOKEN="<token content>"

Add a data_sources.yaml file to configure the provider

You can use fpd to edit and create a sample data_sources.yaml file to use your provider, in the current directory:

Terminal window
touch data_sources.yaml

Fiberplane Daemon is configured to look for the data_sources configuration in the current working directory, and then in a canonical absolute path, if the command-line flag is absent. For the tutorial we will just use the current directory, but the recommended absolute location is the path returned by fpd config paths data-sources

In the data_sources.yaml file you are now editing, add this content:

- name: tutorial-provider
description: Tutorial provider
providerType: catnip
accept: true
numRetries: 1


Run the daemon on your machine, and make sure that it doesn’t error out, or output error logs about catnip not being loaded:

Terminal window
# Either use the `--token` flag, or the `TOKEN` environment variable
RUST_LOG=error fpd --token <TOKEN> --wasm-dir . | grep -i "catnip"

Wait 10 seconds: if the app didn’t quit on its own, and no log appeared, you’re all set!

You can quit (using Control + C), and restart without the extra filters in a background process:

Terminal window
fpd --token <TOKEN> --wasm-dir .

Checkpoint: test the Sample provider in Studio

With your Daemon running and connected to Studio, you can immediately test if “side loading” the provider worked:

Is the tutorial daemon active?

Go to your FPD settings page: make sure that the daemon you created is present in the list, and reported as “online”. If it does not report as “online” even after 5 minutes, make sure that you copied the token correctly, and that the fpd instance you ran before is still up and runs without errors.

The status of the FPD and the provider on the settings page

When the daemon reports as online, you can expand the line to also check the status of the provider.

Is the “Catnip” data source available?

Create a new, empty notebook in your workspace, and click the data sources icon in the top right corner. There should be an entry in the Catnip category, called tutorial-provider. Make sure it’s there and active.

The list of data sources in the notebook

Is the slash Command present?

Go in a cell of the notebook, and hit /. The menu should appear, and now you can start typing showcase. You should see the 2 Showcase commands appear in the menu.

The slash command widget showing the new commands

Is the Daemon communicating fine?

Accept any of the “Showcase” command, input some text in the fields, and try to run the Cell.

Calling the loaded provider

If you obtain a result in the notebook, congratulations! You’ve successfully side-loaded a Web Assembly plugin to your Fiberplane workspace! This is (was) the hardest part of the tutorial.

Modify the sample provider to implement your integration

In the following, we use “query” to describe one type of request that is handled by the provider, including all the requests that make the slash commands in the notebook later, but also the “built-in” requests used by Studio for extra features such as health reporting and auto-suggestions.

Implement your configuration type

Change the configuration from the sample to use the configuration you decided on instead. For the catnip_provider the only configuration value is the base URL of the API (so that configuring the provider will create either a production, or a staging, data source for notebooks).

// Replace the SampleConfig type
#[derive(ConfigSchema, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct CatnipConfig {
#[pdk(label = "API endpoint", placeholder = "Please specify a URL")]
pub endpoint: String,

Implementing a new query

Let’s make a query that prompts the notebook users for a latitude/longitude, and return information about the closest user from API geographically. This is a little convoluted, but the point is to show multiple things when creating your provider.

Let’s assume that all users from are catnip dispensers and we want to know where to go to get our fix.

Before piping all the logic between Studio and the Provider, we will implement the query. This section is “vanilla Rust API development sprinkled with serde_json and fiberplane-provided http client”, so if you are experienced you might want to read the section quickly/skip it.

Making an internal Data Model

First, we need to add serde_json as a dependency as we will be working with a JSON API

# In Cargo.toml
serde_json = "1"
serde-aux = "4.1" # serde_aux provides helpers for JSON deserialization

Then we add the data types that match the API entries we want to work with, and build a data-model that’s relevant for the query

use serde_aux::field_attributes::deserialize_number_from_string;
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)]
struct User {
id: usize,
name: String,
username: String,
email: String,
address: Address,
phone: String,
website: String,
company: Company
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)]
struct Address {
street: String,
suite: String,
city: String,
zipcode: String,
#[serde(rename = "geo")]
geocode: GeoLocation
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct GeoLocation {
#[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_number_from_string", rename = "lat")]
latitude: f64,
#[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_number_from_string", rename = "lng")]
longitude: f64
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct Company {
name: String,
catch_phrase: String,
bs: String
fn test_deserialization() {
let sample = r#"
"id": 1,
"name": "Leanne Graham",
"username": "Bret",
"email": "",
"address": {
"street": "Kulas Light",
"suite": "Apt. 556",
"city": "Gwenborough",
"zipcode": "92998-3874",
"geo": {
"lat": "-37.3159",
"lng": "81.1496"
"phone": "1-770-736-8031 x56442",
"website": "",
"company": {
"name": "Romaguera-Crona",
"catchPhrase": "Multi-layered client-server neural-net",
"bs": "harness real-time e-markets"
let _ = serde_json::from_str::<User>(sample).unwrap();

With this data model, we can create a function that will return the closest user from a location

fn distance_between(origin: GeoLocation, destination: GeoLocation) -> f64 {
((destination.longitude - origin.longitude).powi(2) + (destination.latitude - origin.latitude).powi(2)).sqrt()
pub fn closest_user(target: GeoLocation, users: &[User]) -> Option<(f64, User)> {
.map(|user| (distance_between(user.address.geocode, target), user.clone()))
.min_by(|(distance_l, _), (distance_r, _)| {

Now we have all the internal logic from the provider to compute the relevant data. We still need to fetch the users from the API.

Using Provider Bindings to implement behaviour

We cannot use an API client crate such as reqwest in providers[^wasmhost], that is where we must use the provided methods from the provider bindings to make the call. The function below is using the provided bindings to make a query to the JSON placeholder API returning the list of users.

The pattern here is:

  • build a fiberplane_pdk::prelude::HttpRequest structure
  • call the fiberplane_pdk::prelude::make_http_request binding that will arrange for the runtime to make the call. This is the “reqwest” call equivalent in Fiberplane bindings
  • extract all the relevant data from fiberplane_pdk::prelude::HttpResponse.

With proper error management, it is possible to return a Result<Vec<User>> instead of trying to return a Vec<User> and panicking (panics crash the provider and will not report the error back to the Studio!).

// The Result here is a `fiberplane_pdk::prelude::Result`
async fn fetch_users(config: &CatnipConfig) -> Result<Vec<User>> {
let base_url: Url = config
.map_err( |e| Error::Config { message: format!("Invalid URL in configuration: {e:?}") })?;
let url = base_url
.map_err( |e| Error::Config { message: format!("Invalid URL in configuration: {e:?}") })?;
let request = HttpRequest {
headers: None,
method: HttpRequestMethod::Get,
body: None,
let response = make_http_request(request).await?;
serde_json::from_slice(&response.body).map_err(|e| Error::Deserialization { message: format!("Could not deserialize payload: {e:?}") })

We now have all the building blocks to implement our query:

async fn fetch_closest_user(config: &CatnipConfig, target: GeoLocation) -> Result<Option<(f64, User)>> {
let users = fetch_users(config).await?;
Ok(closest_user(target, &users).clone())

Adding a new query

In the previous chapter, we implemented all the internal provider logic for the query we want to add to notebooks. The missing part is how to connect this logic to a notebook:

  • how to obtain the CatnipConfig, (latitude, longitude) from the users through Studio?
  • how to return meaningful values to Studio so that it shows the data in notebook cells?

Choosing a name for the query

The query name be used in the URL to encode the request type for the provider. Let’s use x-closest-dispenser. The x- prefix is mandatory as it ensures that there will never be collisions with built-in query types used by Studio, like the queries used to query the status of a provider, or completion suggestions.

// Add a new constant in the library
pub const CLOSEST_DISPENSER_QUERY: &str = "x-closest-dispenser";

Adding a query data model

The QuerySchema macro deals with creating a structure that will show matching input fields in Studio. We create a CatnipClosestQuery structure that will prompt the user for a latitude and a longitude when Studio expands a slash command for this query:

#[derive(QuerySchema, Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)]
struct CatnipClosestQuery {
#[pdk(label = "Latitude (must be a floating point number)", placeholder = "52.3740300")]
pub latitude: String,
#[pdk(label = "Longitude (must be a floating point number)", placeholder = "4.8896900")]
pub longitude: String,

Implementing the handler when the provider is invoked

The query data model, and the configuration data model, are the 2 things that are needed to implement our handler for the query. For the time being we are making the simplest handlers, that always return the same MIME type: CELLS_MIME_TYPE, which is a builtin MIME type natively handled by Studio. As long as we return a fiberplane_pdk::prelude::Cells that is transformed to a Blob we won’t need to implement anything else in the provider protocol for this example.

async fn closest_dispenser_query_handler(query_data: CatnipClosestQuery, config: CatnipConfig) -> Result<Blob> {
let response = fetch_closest_user(
GeoLocation {
latitude: query_data
.map_err(|e| Error::Deserialization {
message: format!("latitude is an invalid number: {e}"),
longitude: query_data
.map_err(|e| Error::Deserialization {
message: format!("longitude is an invalid number: {e}"),
let cells = match response {
None => {
.content("No dispenser was found!".to_string())
Some((distance, dispenser)) => {
.content(format!("The closest dispenser to you ({}, {}) is\n{} ({})\n\t{} {}\n\t{} {}",

Updating the supported_query_types list

In order to get your query to appear and be usable from Studio, the provider needs to advertise it. It is done thanks to the pdk_query_types! macro, by adding an extra query, associating the name with the data model and a handler function.

// Remove all existing queries except the Status one, so the pdk_query_types! macro
// becomes
pdk_query_types! {
label: "Catnip: find closest dispenser",
handler: closest_dispenser_query_handler(CatnipClosestQuery, CatnipConfig).await,
supported_mime_types: [CELLS_MIME_TYPE]
handler: check_status(),
supported_mime_types: [STATUS_MIME_TYPE]


You should be able to run the query from Studio now! To test it

  • Open and switch to your personal workspace
  • Add the data source for catnip from the daemon to your workspace.
  • Create a new notebook in your workspace
  • Try typing /catnip in a cell, and select your Catnip: find closest dispenser action

The slash command menu has catnip entries now

  • Fill the latitude and longitude, and run the query

The results should appear in a new cell in the notebook!

The provider cell in the notebook has results