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Creating and configuring Webhooks

Fiberplane Webhooks allow you to receive JSON payloads right to your own programs anytime an event happens on your Fiberplane workspace. Once that is the case, we will send you a POST payload to your configured webhook URL.

Webhooks are configured on a per-workspace basis. An unlimited amount of webhooks can be configured.

Creating a webhook is a two-step process, first having to set up the subscriber which receives Fiberplane’s payloads and then configuring Fiberplane to send the payloads to it.

In this document we will create our own example webhook subscriber which will receive deliveries.

Writing a subscriber

A subscriber is an HTTP server which will receive deliveries from Fiberplane. The subscriber needs to:

  • Be able to receive HTTP POST requests using HTTP/1.1
  • Be able to read the application/json body. Note: Fiberplane will send deliveries with a custom Content-Type: application/vnd.fiberplane.webhook+json
  • Be not more than five redirects away

For the example of this tutorial, we will use this simple Python 3 server:

from flask import Flask, request
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route("/delivery", methods=["POST"])
def handle_delivery():
payload = request.get_json(force=True)
print(f"Received delivery from Fiberplane: {payload}")
return "OK", 200

Run the above example with

Terminal window
$ python3 -m flask run --host= --port=62113
* Debug mode: off
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Running on all addresses (
* Running on
* Running on

Now the server will listen for network wide incoming connections on port 62113. However, we will not be able to reach it as we’re most likely behind a NAT.

We can work around this by using an HTTP tunnel such as ngrok, Tailscale Funnel or The last one only requires Wireguard and is a simple one-liner to get set up and running:

Terminal window
$ curl > tunnel.conf && wg-quick up ./tunnel.conf
You can now access on

Setting up the webhook

You can create a webhook using Fiberplane Studio or using the fp CLI.

To set up a webhook in Fiberplane Studio, go to your workspace settings and click Webhooks. From there, click on + Add webhook and fill in the fields described below.

To set up a webhook with the fp CLI, simply type fp webhooks create and fill in the questions it asks you. The fields are described below.

Endpoint URL

The endpoint URL is the URL to which Fiberplane will send deliveries using an HTTP POST request.

Since we’re developing locally for the purpose of this tutorial, we’ll set it to the URL which gave us above, followed by /delivery. Example:

If you are configuring a custom endpoint which uses HTTPS, please ensure you are running TLS 1.2 or higher. The certificate must be trusted by the Mozilla Trust Store and cannot be self-signed.

Endpoint URL Limitations

  • Your endpoint needs to respond within 30 seconds
  • Your endpoint URL must resolve to a global reachable IP address (not
  • A maximum of 5 redirects will be followed
  • The endpoint may be either HTTP or HTTPS
  • If HTTPS, self-signed certificates are not allowed. The certificate must be trusted by the Mozilla Trust Store


You can select a list of categories for which your endpoint will receive deliveries. You cannot select individual events for which you want to receive payloads, for example you can’t subscribe to only the frontmatter.update event but only to the whole frontmatter category, which also includes the frontmatter.delete event.

You will always be automatically subscribed to the ping category, which only includes the ping event. For more information about this very specific event, see below.

For a complete list of available webhook events and their payloads, see Webhook events and payloads.

ping event

Upon creation or updating of a webhook, we will send you a simple ping event to check whenever your endpoint is set up correctly. If the endpoint fails to respond with a 2xx status code, the webhook will still be created/updated but will be set to the disabled state.

To see further information why the delivery of the ping event failed, you can take a look at the most recent delivery after your webhook creation/update. You need to fix the issue on your end and re-deliver the ping event before trying to re-enable the webhook.

Once the ping event gets successfully handled by your endpoint, you can update the webhook and enable it again. This will send a new ping event, which your endpoint will now handle correctly and thus your webhook will be enabled and receive payloads.

For more information about the ping event and the payload it sends with it, see the ping event documentation.