CLI Reference

Command-Line Help for fp

This document contains the help content for the fp command-line program.

Command Overview:



  • data-sources — Interact with data sources
  • experiments — Experimental commands
  • login — Login to Fiberplane and authorize the CLI to access your account
  • logout — Logout from Fiberplane
  • labels — Interact with labels
  • new — Create a new notebook and open it in the browser
  • notebooks — Interact with notebooks
  • front-matter-collection — Interact with front matter collections
  • providers — Interact with providers
  • daemons — Interact with Fiberplane Daemon instances
  • run — Run a command and send the output to a notebook
  • templates — Interact with templates
  • shell — Launch a recorded shell session that'll show up in the notebook
  • snippets — Snippets allow you to save reusable groups of cells and insert them into notebooks
  • views — Views allow you to save label searches and display them as a view, allowing you to search for notebooks easier and more convenient
  • triggers — Interact with triggers
  • events — Interact with events
  • tokens — Interact with API tokens
  • update — Update the current FP binary
  • users — Interact with user details
  • workspaces — Interact with workspaces
  • webhooks — Interact with webhooks
  • integrations — Interact with personal integrations
  • version — Display extra version information
  • --base-url <BASE_URL> — Base URL to the Fiberplane API

    Default value:

  • --config <CONFIG> — Path to Fiberplane config file

  • --token <TOKEN> — Override the API token used

  • --disable-version-check — Disables the version check

  • -v, --verbose — Display verbose logs

  • --log-file <LOG_FILE> — Path to log file

  • -w, --workspace-id <WORKSPACE_ID> — Workspace to use

fp data-sources

Interact with data sources

Create and manage data sources, and list both direct and FPD data sources.

Usage: fp data-sources <COMMAND>

  • create — Create a new workspace data source
  • defaults — View and modify the default data sources for the workspace
  • delete — Delete a workspace data source
  • get — Get the details of a workspace data source
  • list — List all workspace data sources
  • update — Update a data source

fp data-sources create

Create a new workspace data source

Usage: fp data-sources create [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --name <NAME> — Name of the data source

  • -d, --description <DESCRIPTION> — Description of the data source

  • -p, --provider-type <PROVIDER_TYPE> — Provider type of the data source

  • --provider-config <PROVIDER_CONFIG> — Provider configuration

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the notebook

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the values as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp data-sources defaults

View and modify the default data sources for the workspace

Usage: fp data-sources defaults <COMMAND>

  • get — Get the default data sources
  • set — Set the default data source for the given provider type
  • unset — Unset the default data source for the given provider type

fp data-sources defaults get

Get the default data sources

Usage: fp data-sources defaults get [OPTIONS]

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Display format for the output

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details as a table
    • json: Output the details as JSON

fp data-sources defaults set

Set the default data source for the given provider type

Usage: fp data-sources defaults set [OPTIONS]

  • -d, --data-source-name <DATA_SOURCE_NAME> — Name of the data source which should be set as default for the given provider type
  • -p, --daemon-name <DAEMON_NAME> — If the data source is an FPD data source, the name of the daemon

fp data-sources defaults unset

Unset the default data source for the given provider type

Usage: fp data-sources defaults unset [OPTIONS]

  • -p, --provider-type <PROVIDER_TYPE> — Provider type for which the default data source should be unset

fp data-sources delete

Delete a workspace data source

Usage: fp data-sources delete [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --name <NAME> — Name of the data source

fp data-sources get

Get the details of a workspace data source

Usage: fp data-sources get [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --name <NAME> — Name of the data source

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the notebook

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the values as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp data-sources list

List all workspace data sources

Usage: fp data-sources list [OPTIONS]

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the notebook

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the values as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp data-sources update

Update a data source

Usage: fp data-sources update [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --name <NAME> — Name of the data source to update

  • -d, --description <DESCRIPTION> — New description of the data source

  • --provider-config <PROVIDER_CONFIG> — New provider configuration

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output format

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the values as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp experiments

Experimental commands

These commands are not stable and may change at any time.

Usage: fp experiments <COMMAND>

  • message — Append a message to the given notebook
  • crawl — Starting with the given notebook, recursively crawl all linked notebooks and save them to the given directory as Markdown
  • prometheus-graph-to-notebook — Open Prometheus graphs in a given notebook

fp experiments message

Append a message to the given notebook

Usage: fp experiments message [OPTIONS] [MESSAGE]...

  • <MESSAGE> — The message to append
  • -n, --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID> — The notebook to append the message to

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output type to display

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the result as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp experiments crawl

Starting with the given notebook, recursively crawl all linked notebooks and save them to the given directory as Markdown

Usage: fp experiments crawl [OPTIONS] --out-dir <OUT_DIR>

  • -n, --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID>

  • --concurrent-downloads <CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS>

    Default value: 10

  • -o, --out-dir <OUT_DIR>

fp experiments prometheus-graph-to-notebook

Open Prometheus graphs in a given notebook

Usage: fp experiments prometheus-graph-to-notebook [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID>

  • -p, --port <PORT> — Server port number

    Default value: 9090

  • -H, --listen-host <LISTEN_HOST> — Hostname to listen on

    Default value:

fp login

Login to Fiberplane and authorize the CLI to access your account

Usage: fp login

fp logout

Logout from Fiberplane

Usage: fp logout

fp labels

Interact with labels

Labels allow you to organize your notebooks.

Usage: fp labels <COMMAND>

  • list-keys — List all unique labels keys that are used
  • list-values — List all unique labels values that are used for a specific label key

fp labels list-keys

List all unique labels keys that are used

Usage: fp labels list-keys [OPTIONS]

  • -p, --prefix <PREFIX>

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the notebook

    Default value: list

    Possible values:

    • list: Output the keys as a list
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp labels list-values

List all unique labels values that are used for a specific label key

Usage: fp labels list-values [OPTIONS] [LABEL_KEY]

  • -p, --prefix <PREFIX>

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the notebook

    Default value: list

    Possible values:

    • list: Output the values as a list
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp new

Create a new notebook and open it in the browser.

If you need access to the json use the notebook create command.

Usage: fp new [OPTIONS] [TITLE]...

  • <TITLE> — Title for the new notebook
  • -w, --workspace-id <WORKSPACE_ID> — Workspace to use

fp notebooks

Interact with notebooks

Notebooks are the main resource that Studio exposes.

Usage: fp notebooks <COMMAND>

  • create — Create a notebook
  • duplicate — Duplicate a notebook
  • get — Retrieve a notebook
  • insert-snippet — Insert a snippet into the notebook
  • list — List all notebooks
  • search — Search for a specific notebook This currently only supports label search
  • open — Open a notebook in the studio
  • delete — Delete a notebook
  • append-cell — Append a cell to the notebook
  • front-matter — Interact with front matter

fp notebooks create

Create a notebook

Usage: fp notebooks create [OPTIONS]

  • -t, --title <TITLE> — Title for the new notebook

  • -l, --label <label> — Labels to attach to the newly created notebook (you can specify multiple labels)

  • --from <FROM> — Start time to be passed into the new notebook (RFC3339). Leave empty to use 60 minutes ago

  • --to <TO> — End time to be passed into the new notebook (RFC3339). Leave empty to use the current time

  • --front-matter <FRONT_MATTER> — Front matter which should be added to the notebook upon creation. Leave empty to attach no front matter

  • -m, --markdown <MARKDOWN> — Create the notebook from the given Markdown

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the notebook

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the result as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp notebooks duplicate

Duplicate a notebook

Usage: fp notebooks duplicate [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID> — ID of the source notebook

  • -t, --title <TITLE> — Title for the new notebook Defaults to "Copy of {SOURCE NOTEBOOK TITLE}"

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the notebook

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the result as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp notebooks get

Retrieve a notebook

Usage: fp notebooks get [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID> — ID of the notebook

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the notebook

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the result as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object
    • markdown: Output the notebook as Markdown

fp notebooks insert-snippet

Insert a snippet into the notebook

Usage: fp notebooks insert-snippet [OPTIONS] [SNIPPET_NAME]

  • <SNIPPET_NAME> — The Name of the snippet
  • -w, --workspace-id <WORKSPACE_ID> — The workspace to get the snippet from
  • -n, --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID> — The notebook to insert the snippet into
  • -c, --cell-id <CELL_ID> — The cell ID after which the snippet should be inserted

fp notebooks list

List all notebooks

Usage: fp notebooks list [OPTIONS]

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the notebook

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the result as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp notebooks search

Search for a specific notebook This currently only supports label search

Usage: fp notebooks search [OPTIONS] [VIEW]

  • <VIEW> — View used to search for notebooks
  • -l, --label <label> — Labels to search notebooks for (you can specify multiple labels)

  • --sort-by <SORT_BY> — Sort the result according to the following field

    Possible values: title, created-at, updated-at

  • --sort-direction <SORT_DIRECTION> — Sort the result in the following direction

    Possible values: ascending, descending

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the notebooks

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the result as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp notebooks open

Open a notebook in the studio

Usage: fp notebooks open [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID> — ID of the notebook

fp notebooks delete

Delete a notebook

Usage: fp notebooks delete [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID> — ID of the notebook

fp notebooks append-cell

Append a cell to the notebook

Usage: fp notebooks append-cell [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID> — ID of the notebook

  • --text <TEXT> — Append a text cell

  • --code <CODE> — Append a code cell

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output type to display

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the result as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp notebooks front-matter

Interact with front matter

Front matter adds additional metadata to notebooks.

Usage: fp notebooks front-matter <COMMAND>

  • update — Deprecated: use "append", "edit", or "delete" to manipulate front matter granularly
  • clear — Deprecated: use "delete" with the "--all" flag to clear all rows of front matter
  • append — Append a row of front matter to an existing notebook
  • delete — Delete rows from the front matter of an existing notebook
  • edit — Edit the value of front matter in an existing notebook
  • add-collection — Adds an existing collection of front matter to the notebook

fp notebooks front-matter update

Deprecated: use "append", "edit", or "delete" to manipulate front matter granularly

Updates front matter for an existing notebook

Usage: fp notebooks front-matter update [OPTIONS] <FRONT_MATTER>

  • <FRONT_MATTER> — Front matter which should be added. Can override existing keys. To delete an existing key, set its value to null
  • --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID> — Notebook for which front matter should be updated for

fp notebooks front-matter clear

Deprecated: use "delete" with the "--all" flag to clear all rows of front matter.

Clears all front matter from an existing notebook

Usage: fp notebooks front-matter clear [OPTIONS]

  • --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID> — Notebook for which front matter should be cleared for

fp notebooks front-matter append

Append a row of front matter to an existing notebook

Usage: fp notebooks front-matter append [OPTIONS] --key <KEY> --value-type <VALUE_TYPE>

  • --key <KEY> — The key to use internally for the front matter row

  • --value-type <VALUE_TYPE> — The type of the front matter row to add

    Possible values:

    • number: A single number (expecting a json number as a value)
    • string: A single or multiple strings (expecting json strings as values)
    • user: A single or multiple user (expecting user Base64Uuid as json strings as values)
    • date-time: A single timestamp (expecting an RFC3339 formatted date as a json string as a value)
  • --display-name <DISPLAY_NAME> — The displayed name for the front matter property

  • --multiple — Whether the front matter entry should accept multiple values of the same type

  • --value <VALUE> — An optional initial value to set for the appended row

  • --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID> — Notebook for which front matter should be updated for

fp notebooks front-matter delete

Delete rows from the front matter of an existing notebook

Usage: fp notebooks front-matter delete [OPTIONS] [FRONT_MATTER_KEY]

  • <FRONT_MATTER_KEY> — Front matter key which should be deleted
  • --all — Whether the entire front matter as currently known should be wiped
  • --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID> — Notebook for which front matter should be updated for

fp notebooks front-matter edit

Edit the value of front matter in an existing notebook.

Changing the type of the front matter row (e.g. from string to number) is not supported yet.

Usage: fp notebooks front-matter edit [OPTIONS] --new-value <NEW_VALUE>

  • --front-matter-key <FRONT_MATTER_KEY> — Front matter key which should be edited
  • --new-value <NEW_VALUE> — The new value to assign to the key. Any JSON value is accepted here, but note that validation can reject malformed values
  • --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID> — Notebook for which front matter should be updated for

fp notebooks front-matter add-collection

Adds an existing collection of front matter to the notebook

Usage: fp notebooks front-matter add-collection [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --name <NAME> — Name of the front matter collection to set
  • --position <POSITION> — Position to insert the collection in the existing front matter
  • --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID> — Notebook for which front matter should be updated for

fp front-matter-collection

Interact with front matter collections

Front matter collections are pre-determined sets of front matter metadata that is used to attach metadata to notebooks.

Usage: fp front-matter-collection <COMMAND>

  • set — Set an existing front matter collection with the given name to the given schema
  • create — Create a front matter collection with the given name and the given schema
  • get — Get the front matter collection with the given name
  • delete — Delete the front matter collection with the given name

fp front-matter-collection set

Set an existing front matter collection with the given name to the given schema

Usage: fp front-matter-collection set [OPTIONS] <JSON_PATH>

  • <JSON_PATH> — Path to the json file containing the collection description
  • -n, --name <NAME> — Name of the front matter collection to set

fp front-matter-collection create

Create a front matter collection with the given name and the given schema

Usage: fp front-matter-collection create --name <NAME> <JSON_PATH>

  • <JSON_PATH> — Path to the json file containing the collection description
  • -n, --name <NAME> — Name of the front matter collection to create

fp front-matter-collection get

Get the front matter collection with the given name

Usage: fp front-matter-collection get [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --name <NAME> — Name of the front matter collection to set

fp front-matter-collection delete

Delete the front matter collection with the given name

Usage: fp front-matter-collection delete [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --name <NAME> — Name of the front matter collection to set

fp providers

Interact with providers

Providers are wasm files that contain the logic to retrieve data based on a query. This is being used by Studio and FPD.

Usage: fp providers <COMMAND>

  • invoke — Invoke a provider with the new provider protocol

fp providers invoke

Invoke a provider with the new provider protocol

Usage: fp providers invoke [OPTIONS] --provider-path <PROVIDER_PATH> --request <REQUEST> --query-type <QUERY_TYPE> --config <CONFIG>

  • -p, --provider-path <PROVIDER_PATH> — Path to the provider WASM file

  • -r, --request <REQUEST> — JSON encoded request that will be sent to the provider

  • -t, --query-type <QUERY_TYPE> — Type of query for the provider (available options are set by the provider)

  • -q, --query-data <QUERY_DATA> — Data to be sent to the provider

  • -m, --query-mime-type <QUERY_MIME_TYPE> — Mime type of the query data

    Default value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

  • -c, --config <CONFIG> — JSON encoded config that will be sent to the provider

fp daemons

Interact with Fiberplane Daemon instances

The Fiberplane Daemon allows you to expose services that are hosted within your network without exposing them or sharing credentials.

Usage: fp daemons <COMMAND>

  • create — Create a new daemon
  • list — List all daemons
  • data-sources — List all data sources
  • get — Retrieve a single daemon
  • delete — Delete a daemon

fp daemons create

Create a new daemon

Usage: fp daemons create [OPTIONS] [NAME] [DESCRIPTION]

  • <NAME> — Daemon name, leave empty to auto-generate a name
  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the daemon

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the result as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp daemons list

List all daemons

Usage: fp daemons list [OPTIONS]

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the daemon

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the result as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp daemons data-sources

List all data sources

Usage: fp daemons data-sources [OPTIONS]

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the daemon

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the result as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp daemons get

Retrieve a single daemon

Usage: fp daemons get [OPTIONS] [DAEMON_NAME]

  • <DAEMON_NAME> — ID of the daemon
  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the daemon

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the result as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp daemons delete

Delete a daemon

Usage: fp daemons delete [DAEMON_NAME]

  • <DAEMON_NAME> — Name of the daemon

fp run

Run a command and send the output to a notebook

Note: to run a command with pipes, you must wrap the command in quotes. For example, fp run "echo hello world | grep hello"

Usage: fp run [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]...

  • <COMMAND> — The command to run
  • -n, --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID> — The notebook to append the message to

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output type to display

    Default value: command

    Possible values:

    • command: Output the result of the command
    • table: Output the cell details as a table
    • json: Output the cell details as a JSON encoded object

fp templates

Interact with templates

Templates allow you to create notebooks based on jsonnet.

Usage: fp templates <COMMAND>

  • init — Initializes a blank template and save it in the current directory as template.jsonnet
  • expand — Expand a template into a Fiberplane notebook
  • convert — Create a template from an existing Fiberplane notebook
  • create — Create a new template
  • get — Retrieve a single template
  • delete — Delete a template
  • list — List of the templates that have been uploaded to Fiberplane
  • update — Update an existing template
  • validate — Validate a local template

fp templates init

Initializes a blank template and save it in the current directory as template.jsonnet

Usage: fp templates init [OPTIONS]

  • -t, --template-path <TEMPLATE_PATH>

    Default value: ./template.jsonnet

fp templates expand

Expand a template into a Fiberplane notebook

Usage: fp templates expand <TEMPLATE> [TEMPLATE_ARGUMENTS]

  • <TEMPLATE> — ID or URL of a template already uploaded to Fiberplane, or the path or URL of a template file
  • <TEMPLATE_ARGUMENTS> — Values to inject into the template

fp templates convert

Create a template from an existing Fiberplane notebook

Usage: fp templates convert [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID> — Workspace to create the new template in Notebook ID

  • --template-name <TEMPLATE_NAME> — Name of the new template (defaults to the notebook title, sluggified)

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — Description of the template

  • --create-trigger <CREATE_TRIGGER> — Create a trigger for the template

    Possible values: true, false

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the template

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details of the template as a table (excluding body)
    • body: Only output the body of the template
    • json: Output the template as a JSON encoded file

fp templates create

Create a new template

Usage: fp templates create [OPTIONS] <TEMPLATE>

  • <TEMPLATE> — Path or URL of to the template
  • --template-name <TEMPLATE_NAME> — Name of the template

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — Description of the template

  • --create-trigger <CREATE_TRIGGER> — Create a trigger for the template

    Possible values: true, false

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the template

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details of the template as a table (excluding body)
    • body: Only output the body of the template
    • json: Output the template as a JSON encoded file

fp templates get

Retrieve a single template

By default, this returns the template metadata. To retrieve the full template body, use the --output=body flag

Usage: fp templates get [OPTIONS] [TEMPLATE_NAME]

  • <TEMPLATE_NAME> — The Name of the template
  • -w, --workspace-id <WORKSPACE_ID> — The workspace to get the template from

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the template

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details of the template as a table (excluding body)
    • body: Only output the body of the template
    • json: Output the template as a JSON encoded file

fp templates delete

Delete a template

Usage: fp templates delete [OPTIONS] [TEMPLATE_NAME]

  • <TEMPLATE_NAME> — The Name of the template
  • -w, --workspace-id <WORKSPACE_ID> — The workspace to delete the template from

fp templates list

List of the templates that have been uploaded to Fiberplane

Usage: fp templates list [OPTIONS]

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the templates

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the values as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object
  • --sort-by <SORT_BY> — Sort the result according to the following field

    Possible values: name, created-at, updated-at

  • --sort-direction <SORT_DIRECTION> — Sort the result in the following direction

    Possible values: ascending, descending

fp templates update

Update an existing template

Usage: fp templates update [OPTIONS] [TEMPLATE_NAME]

  • <TEMPLATE_NAME> — Name of the template to update
  • -w, --workspace-id <WORKSPACE_ID> — The workspace containing the template to be updated

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — New description of the template

  • --template <TEMPLATE> — New body of the template

  • --template-path <TEMPLATE_PATH> — Path to the template new body file

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the template

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details of the template as a table (excluding body)
    • body: Only output the body of the template
    • json: Output the template as a JSON encoded file

fp templates validate

Validate a local template

Note that only templates without required parameters can be fully validated.

Usage: fp templates validate <TEMPLATE> [TEMPLATE_ARGUMENTS]

  • <TEMPLATE> — Path to the template file or full template body to validate
  • <TEMPLATE_ARGUMENTS> — Optional values to inject into the template

fp shell

Launch a recorded shell session that'll show up in the notebook

Usage: fp shell [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID>

fp snippets

Snippets allow you to save reusable groups of cells and insert them into notebooks

Usage: fp snippets <COMMAND>

  • convert — Convert cells from an existing notebook into a snippet
  • create — Create a new snippet
  • delete — Delete a snippet
  • get — Get a snippet
  • insert — Insert the snippet into a notebook
  • list — List of the snippets that have been uploaded to Fiberplane
  • update — Update an existing snippet
  • validate — Validate a local snippet

fp snippets convert

Convert cells from an existing notebook into a snippet

Usage: fp snippets convert [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID> — Workspace to create the new snippet in Notebook ID

  • -s, --start-cell <START_CELL> — Starting cell of the snippet

  • -e, --end-cell <END_CELL> — Ending cell of the snippet

  • --snippet-name <SNIPPET_NAME> — Name of the new snippet (defaults to the notebook title, sluggified)

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — Description of the snippet

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the snippet

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details of the snippet as a table (excluding body)
    • body: Only output the body of the snippet
    • json: Output the snippet as a JSON encoded file

fp snippets create

Create a new snippet

Usage: fp snippets create [OPTIONS] <SNIPPET>

  • <SNIPPET> — Path or URL of to the snippet
  • --snippet-name <SNIPPET_NAME> — Name of the snippet

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — Description of the snippet

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the snippet

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details of the snippet as a table (excluding body)
    • body: Only output the body of the snippet
    • json: Output the snippet as a JSON encoded file

fp snippets delete

Delete a snippet

Usage: fp snippets delete [OPTIONS] [SNIPPET_NAME]

  • <SNIPPET_NAME> — The Name of the snippet
  • -w, --workspace-id <WORKSPACE_ID> — The workspace to delete the snippet from

fp snippets get

Get a snippet

Usage: fp snippets get [OPTIONS] [SNIPPET_NAME]

  • <SNIPPET_NAME> — The Name of the snippet
  • -w, --workspace-id <WORKSPACE_ID> — The workspace to get the snippet from

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the snippet

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details of the snippet as a table (excluding body)
    • body: Only output the body of the snippet
    • json: Output the snippet as a JSON encoded file

fp snippets insert

Insert the snippet into a notebook

Usage: fp snippets insert [OPTIONS] [SNIPPET_NAME]

  • <SNIPPET_NAME> — The Name of the snippet
  • -w, --workspace-id <WORKSPACE_ID> — The workspace to get the snippet from
  • -n, --notebook-id <NOTEBOOK_ID> — The notebook to insert the snippet into
  • -c, --cell-id <CELL_ID> — The cell ID after which the snippet should be inserted

fp snippets list

List of the snippets that have been uploaded to Fiberplane

Usage: fp snippets list [OPTIONS]

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the snippets

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the values as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object
  • --sort-by <SORT_BY> — Sort the result according to the following field

    Possible values: name, created-at, updated-at

  • --sort-direction <SORT_DIRECTION> — Sort the result in the following direction

    Possible values: ascending, descending

fp snippets update

Update an existing snippet

Usage: fp snippets update [OPTIONS] [SNIPPET_NAME]

  • <SNIPPET_NAME> — Name of the snippet to update
  • -w, --workspace-id <WORKSPACE_ID> — The workspace containing the snippet to be updated

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — New description of the snippet

  • --snippet <SNIPPET> — New body of the snippet

  • --snippet-path <SNIPPET_PATH> — Path to the snippet new body file

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the snippet

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details of the snippet as a table (excluding body)
    • body: Only output the body of the snippet
    • json: Output the snippet as a JSON encoded file

fp snippets validate

Validate a local snippet

Usage: fp snippets validate <SNIPPET>

  • <SNIPPET> — Path to the snippet file or full snippet body to validate

fp views

Views allow you to save label searches and display them as a view, allowing you to search for notebooks easier and more convenient

Usage: fp views <COMMAND>

  • create — Create a new view
  • list — List views
  • delete — Delete a view
  • update — Update an existing view

fp views create

Create a new view


  • <NAME> — Name of the view that should be created. This is distinct from display_name, which is not constrained

  • <DISPLAY_NAME> — Display name of the view that should be created. This is distinct from name, which is constrained

  • <DESCRIPTION> — Description of the view that should be created

  • <TIME_RANGE_VALUE> — Time range value in either seconds, minutes, hours or days (without suffix). Used in conjunction with time_range_unit

  • <TIME_RANGE_UNIT> — Time range unit. Used in conjunction with time_range_value

    Possible values: seconds, minutes, hours, days

  • <SORT_BY> — What the notebooks displayed in the view should be sorted by, by default

    Possible values: title, created-at, updated-at

  • <SORT_DIRECTION> — Sort direction displayed by default when opening the view

    Possible values: ascending, descending

  • --color <COLOR> — The color the resulting view should be displayed as in Fiberplane Studio

  • -l, --labels <LABELS> — Labels which are associated with this newly created view

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the view

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details of the view as a table
    • json: Output the view as JSON

fp views list

List views

Usage: fp views list [OPTIONS]

  • --sort-by <SORT_BY> — Sort the result according to the following field

    Possible values: name, display-name, description, labels, created-at, updated-at

  • --sort-direction <SORT_DIRECTION> — Sort the result in the following direction

    Possible values: ascending, descending

  • --page <PAGE> — Page to display

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Amount of views to display per page

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the view

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details of the view as a table
    • json: Output the view as JSON

fp views delete

Delete a view

Usage: fp views delete [OPTIONS]

  • --view-name <VIEW_NAME> — Name of the view which should be deleted

fp views update

Update an existing view

Usage: fp views update [OPTIONS]

  • --view-name <VIEW_NAME> — Name of the view which should be updated

  • --display-name <DISPLAY_NAME> — New display name for the view

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — New description for the view

  • --clear-description — Whenever the existing description should be removed

  • --color <COLOR> — New color for the view

  • --labels <LABELS> — New labels for the view

  • --time-range-value <TIME_RANGE_VALUE> — New time range value in either seconds, minutes, hours or days (without suffix) for the view. Used in conjunction with time_range_unit

  • --time-range-unit <TIME_RANGE_UNIT> — New time range unit for the view. Used in conjunction with time_range_value

    Possible values: seconds, minutes, hours, days

  • --clear-time-range — Whenever the existing time range should be removed

  • --sort-by <SORT_BY> — What the notebooks displayed in the view should be newly sorted by, by default

    Possible values: title, created-at, updated-at

  • --clear-sort-by — Whenever the existing sort by should be removed

  • --sort-direction <SORT_DIRECTION> — New sort direction displayed by default when opening the view

    Possible values: ascending, descending

  • --clear-sort-direction — Whenever the existing sort direction should be removed

fp triggers

Interact with triggers

Triggers allow you to expose webhooks that will expand templates. This could be used for alertmanager, for example.

Usage: fp triggers <COMMAND>

  • create — Create a trigger
  • get — Retrieve a trigger
  • delete — Delete a trigger
  • list — List all triggers
  • invoke — Invoke a trigger webhook to create a notebook from the template

fp triggers create

Create a trigger

Usage: fp triggers create [OPTIONS]

  • --title <TITLE> — Name of the trigger

  • --template-name <TEMPLATE_NAME> — Name of the template (already uploaded to Fiberplane)

  • --default-arguments <DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS> — Default arguments to be passed to the template when the trigger is invoked Can be passed as a JSON object or as a comma-separated list of key=value pairs

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the trigger

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the result as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp triggers get

Retrieve a trigger

Usage: fp triggers get [OPTIONS] [TRIGGER_ID]

  • <TRIGGER_ID> — Trigger ID
  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the trigger

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the result as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp triggers delete

Delete a trigger

Usage: fp triggers delete [TRIGGER_ID]

  • <TRIGGER_ID> — Trigger ID

fp triggers list

List all triggers

Usage: fp triggers list [OPTIONS]

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the triggers

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the result as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp triggers invoke

Invoke a trigger webhook to create a notebook from the template

Usage: fp triggers invoke [OPTIONS] [TEMPLATE_ARGUMENTS]

  • <TEMPLATE_ARGUMENTS> — Values to inject into the template
  • -t, --trigger-id <TRIGGER_ID> — Trigger ID

  • -s, --secret-key <SECRET_KEY> — Secret Key (returned when the trigger is initially created)

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the triggers

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the result as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp events

Interact with events

Events allow you to mark a specific point in time when something occurred, such as a deployment.

Usage: fp events <COMMAND>

  • create — Create an event
  • search — Search for an event
  • delete — Delete an event

fp events create

Create an event

Usage: fp events create [OPTIONS]

  • --title <TITLE> — Name of the event

  • -l, --label <label> — Labels to add to the events (you can specify multiple labels)

  • --time <TIME> — Time at which the event occurred. Leave empty to use current time

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the event

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details as a table
    • json: Output the details as JSON

fp events search

Search for an event

Usage: fp events search [OPTIONS] --start <START> --end <END>

  • -l, --label <label> — Labels to search events for (you can specify multiple labels)

  • --start <START> — Start time to search for events for

  • --end <END> — End time to search for events for

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the event

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details as a table
    • json: Output the details as JSON
  • --sort-by <SORT_BY> — Sort the result according to the following field

    Possible values: title, occurrence-time, created-at, updated-at

  • --sort-direction <SORT_DIRECTION> — Sort the result in the following direction

    Possible values: ascending, descending

  • --page <PAGE> — Page to display

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Amount of events to display per page

fp events delete

Delete an event

Usage: fp events delete <ID>

  • <ID> — ID of the event that should be deleted

fp tokens

Interact with API tokens

Usage: fp tokens <COMMAND>

  • create — Create a token
  • list — Lists all tokens
  • delete — Deletes a token

fp tokens create

Create a token

Usage: fp tokens create [OPTIONS] --name <NAME>

  • --name <NAME> — Name of the token

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the token

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details as a table
    • json: Output the details as JSON
    • token: Output only the token

fp tokens list

Lists all tokens

Usage: fp tokens list [OPTIONS]

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the token

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details as a table
    • json: Output the details as JSON
  • --sort-by <SORT_BY> — Sort the result according to the following field

    Possible values: title, created-at, expires-at

  • --sort-direction <SORT_DIRECTION> — Sort the result in the following direction

    Possible values: ascending, descending

  • --page <PAGE> — Page to display

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Amount of events to display per page

fp tokens delete

Deletes a token

Usage: fp tokens delete <ID>

  • <ID> — ID of the token that should be deleted

fp update

Update the current FP binary

Usage: fp update [OPTIONS]

  • -f, --force

fp users

Interact with user details

Usage: fp users <COMMAND>

  • profile — Get the profile of the current user

fp users profile

Get the profile of the current user

Usage: fp users profile [OPTIONS]

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the template

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details as a table
    • json: Output the details as JSON

fp workspaces

Interact with workspaces

A workspace holds all notebooks, events and relays for a specific user or organization.

Usage: fp workspaces <COMMAND>

  • create — Create a new workspace
  • delete — Delete a workspace
  • invites — Create, list and delete invites for a workspace
  • list — List all workspaces of which you're a member
  • leave — Leave a workspace
  • settings — Update workspace settings
  • users — List, update and remove users from a workspace
  • integrations — List, update and remove integrations from a workspace

fp workspaces create

Create a new workspace

Usage: fp workspaces create [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --name <NAME> — Unique name of the new workspace

  • -d, --display-name <DISPLAY_NAME> — Display name of the new workspace

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the workspace

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details as a table
    • json: Output the details as JSON

fp workspaces delete

Delete a workspace

Usage: fp workspaces delete

fp workspaces invites

Create, list and delete invites for a workspace

Usage: fp workspaces invites <COMMAND>

  • create — Create a new invitation to join a workspace
  • list — List all pending invites for a workspace
  • delete — Delete a pending invite from a workspace

fp workspaces invites create

Create a new invitation to join a workspace

Usage: fp workspaces invites create [OPTIONS] <email> [role]

  • <email> — Email address of the user which should be invited

  • <role> — Role which the invited user should receive upon accepting the invite

    Default value: write

    Possible values: read, write, admin

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the invite

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • invite-url: Output the details as plain text
    • table: Output the details as a table
    • json: Output the details as JSON

fp workspaces invites list

List all pending invites for a workspace

Usage: fp workspaces invites list [OPTIONS]

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the invites

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details as a table
    • json: Output the details as JSON
  • --sort-by <SORT_BY> — Sort the result according to the following field

    Possible values: id, sender, receiver, created-at, expires-at

  • --sort-direction <SORT_DIRECTION> — Sort the result in the following direction

    Possible values: ascending, descending

  • --page <PAGE> — Page to display

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Amount of events to display per page

fp workspaces invites delete

Delete a pending invite from a workspace

Usage: fp workspaces invites delete --invite-id <INVITE_ID>

  • -i, --invite-id <INVITE_ID> — Invitation ID to delete

fp workspaces list

List all workspaces of which you're a member

Usage: fp workspaces list [OPTIONS]

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the workspaces

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details as a table
    • json: Output the details as JSON
  • --sort-by <SORT_BY> — Sort the result according to the following field

    Possible values: name, type, joined-at

  • --sort-direction <SORT_DIRECTION> — Sort the result in the following direction

    Possible values: ascending, descending

  • --page <PAGE> — Page to display

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Amount of events to display per page

fp workspaces leave

Leave a workspace

Usage: fp workspaces leave

fp workspaces settings

Update workspace settings

Usage: fp workspaces settings <COMMAND>

  • owner — Move ownership of workspace to new owner
  • name — Change name of workspace
  • default-data-sources — Change the default data sources

fp workspaces settings owner

Move ownership of workspace to new owner

Usage: fp workspaces settings owner [OPTIONS]

  • -o, --new-owner-id <NEW_OWNER_ID> — ID of the member who should become workspace owner

fp workspaces settings name

Change name of workspace

Usage: fp workspaces settings name --new-name <NEW_NAME>

  • -n, --new-name <NEW_NAME> — New name for the workspace

fp workspaces settings default-data-sources

Change the default data sources

Usage: fp workspaces settings default-data-sources <COMMAND>

  • get — Get the default data sources
  • set — Set the default data source for the given provider type
  • unset — Unset the default data source for the given provider type

fp workspaces settings default-data-sources get

Get the default data sources

Usage: fp workspaces settings default-data-sources get [OPTIONS]

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Display format for the output

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details as a table
    • json: Output the details as JSON

fp workspaces settings default-data-sources set

Set the default data source for the given provider type

Usage: fp workspaces settings default-data-sources set [OPTIONS]

  • -d, --data-source-name <DATA_SOURCE_NAME> — Name of the data source which should be set as default for the given provider type
  • -p, --daemon-name <DAEMON_NAME> — If the data source is an FPD data source, the name of the daemon

fp workspaces settings default-data-sources unset

Unset the default data source for the given provider type

Usage: fp workspaces settings default-data-sources unset [OPTIONS]

  • -p, --provider-type <PROVIDER_TYPE> — Provider type for which the default data source should be unset

fp workspaces users

List, update and remove users from a workspace

Usage: fp workspaces users <COMMAND>

  • list — List the users that part of a workspace
  • update — Update the user within a workspace
  • delete — Delete a user from a workspace

fp workspaces users list

List the users that part of a workspace

Usage: fp workspaces users list [OPTIONS]

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the invites

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details as a table
    • json: Output the details as JSON
  • --sort-by <SORT_BY> — Sort the result according to the following field

    Possible values: name, email, joined-at

  • --sort-direction <SORT_DIRECTION> — Sort the result in the following direction

    Possible values: ascending, descending

  • --page <PAGE> — Page to display

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Amount of events to display per page

fp workspaces users update

Update the user within a workspace

Usage: fp workspaces users update [OPTIONS]

  • --role <ROLE> — New role which should be assigned to the specified user

    Possible values: read, write, admin

  • -u, --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID of the user that should be updated within the workspace

fp workspaces users delete

Delete a user from a workspace

Usage: fp workspaces users delete [OPTIONS]

  • -u, --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID of the user that should be removed from the workspace

fp workspaces integrations

List, update and remove integrations from a workspace

Usage: fp workspaces integrations <COMMAND>

  • list — List the integrations that are connected to this workspace

fp workspaces integrations list

List the integrations that are connected to this workspace

Usage: fp workspaces integrations list [OPTIONS]

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the webhooks

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details of the integrations as a table
    • json: Output the integration as JSON

fp webhooks

Interact with webhooks

Webhooks allow you to receive http requests from Fiberplane when certain events occur

Usage: fp webhooks <COMMAND>

  • create — Create a new webhook
  • list — List all webhooks
  • delete — Delete a webhook
  • update — Update a webhook
  • deliveries — View webhook deliveries and optionally resend them, if they errored

fp webhooks create

Create a new webhook

Usage: fp webhooks create [OPTIONS]

  • --categories <CATEGORIES> — List of categories which this new webhook should receive deliveries for

    Possible values: ping, front-matter

  • --endpoint <ENDPOINT> — Endpoint URL to which deliveries should be sent to. Must start with http or https

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Whenever the newly created webhook should be enabled

    Possible values: true, false

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the webhook

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details of the webhook as a table
    • json: Output the webhook as JSON

fp webhooks list

List all webhooks

Usage: fp webhooks list [OPTIONS]

  • --page <PAGE> — Page to display

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Amount of webhooks to display per page

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the webhooks

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details of the webhook as a table
    • json: Output the webhook as JSON

fp webhooks delete

Delete a webhook

Usage: fp webhooks delete [OPTIONS]

  • --webhook-id <WEBHOOK_ID> — Which webhook should be deleted

fp webhooks update

Update a webhook

Usage: fp webhooks update [OPTIONS]

  • --webhook-id <WEBHOOK_ID> — Which webhook should be updated

  • --endpoint <ENDPOINT> — New endpoint url for the webhook

  • --categories <CATEGORIES> — New categories for which the webhook should receive deliveries. Setting this option will override the already set categories with the passed ones

    Possible values: ping, front-matter

  • --regenerate-shared-secret — Whenever the shared secret should be regenerated for this webhook

    Default value: false

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Whenever the webhook should be enabled and thus receive deliveries

    Possible values: true, false

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the webhook

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details of the webhook as a table
    • json: Output the webhook as JSON

fp webhooks deliveries

View webhook deliveries and optionally resend them, if they errored

Usage: fp webhooks deliveries <COMMAND>

  • list — List all deliveries
  • info — Get detailed information about a delivery
  • resend — Resend a delivery

fp webhooks deliveries list

List all deliveries

Usage: fp webhooks deliveries list [OPTIONS]

  • --webhook-id <WEBHOOK_ID> — For which webhook to display deliveries

  • --page <PAGE> — Page to display

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Amount of webhooks to display per page

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the webhooks

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details of the webhook as a table
    • json: Output the webhook as JSON

fp webhooks deliveries info

Get detailed information about a delivery

Usage: fp webhooks deliveries info [OPTIONS]

  • --webhook-id <WEBHOOK_ID> — For which webhook to display delivery info

  • --delivery-id <DELIVERY_ID> — For which delivery to display info

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the delivery

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details of the delivery as a table
    • json: Output the delivery as JSON
    • request-headers: Output only the request headers
    • request-body: Output only the request body
    • response-headers: Output only the response headers
    • response-body: Output only the response body

fp webhooks deliveries resend

Resend a delivery

Usage: fp webhooks deliveries resend [OPTIONS]

  • --webhook-id <WEBHOOK_ID> — For which webhook to trigger a resend
  • --delivery-id <DELIVERY_ID> — For which delivery to trigger a resend

fp integrations

Interact with personal integrations.

Integrations allow you to integrate various third-party tools into Fiberplane.

If you wish to configure workspace level integrations, please use fp workspaces integrations

Usage: fp integrations <COMMAND>

  • list — List all integrations
  • pagerduty-receivers — All commands related to the creation and management of PagerDuty receivers

fp integrations list

List all integrations

Usage: fp integrations list [OPTIONS]

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the webhooks

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the details of the integrations as a table
    • json: Output the integration as JSON

fp integrations pagerduty-receivers

All commands related to the creation and management of PagerDuty receivers

Usage: fp integrations pagerduty-receivers <COMMAND>

  • create — Create a new PagerDuty receiver
  • get — Retrieve a single PagerDuty receiver
  • update — Update a PagerDuty receiver
  • delete — Delete a PagerDuty receiver
  • list — List all PagerDuty receivers for a single workspace

fp integrations pagerduty-receivers create

Create a new PagerDuty receiver

Usage: fp integrations pagerduty-receivers create [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --name <NAME> — PagerDuty webhook receiver name. Use this to refer back to this

  • -i, --incident-created-template <INCIDENT_CREATED_TEMPLATE> — An optional name referencing a Template. This template will be expanded if a PagerDuty incident is created

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the webhooks

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the result as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp integrations pagerduty-receivers get

Retrieve a single PagerDuty receiver

Usage: fp integrations pagerduty-receivers get [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --name <NAME> — PagerDuty webhook receiver name

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the webhooks

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the result as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp integrations pagerduty-receivers update

Update a PagerDuty receiver

Usage: fp integrations pagerduty-receivers update [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --name <NAME> — PagerDuty webhook receiver name

  • --incident-creation-template <INCIDENT_CREATION_TEMPLATE> — An optional name referencing a Template. This template will be expanded if a PagerDuty incident is created

  • --clear-incident-creation-template — Clear the incident creation template reference

  • -r, --regenerate-security-key

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the webhooks

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the result as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp integrations pagerduty-receivers delete

Delete a PagerDuty receiver

Usage: fp integrations pagerduty-receivers delete [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --name <NAME> — PagerDuty webhook receiver name

fp integrations pagerduty-receivers list

List all PagerDuty receivers for a single workspace

Usage: fp integrations pagerduty-receivers list [OPTIONS]

  • --sort-by <SORT_BY> — Sort the result according to the following field

    Possible values: name, created-at, updated-at

  • --sort-direction <SORT_DIRECTION> — Sort the result in the following direction

    Possible values: ascending, descending

  • --page <PAGE> — Page to display

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Amount of integrations to display per page

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output of the webhooks

    Default value: table

    Possible values:

    • table: Output the result as a table
    • json: Output the result as a JSON encoded object

fp version

Display extra version information

Usage: fp version [OPTIONS]

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — output type to use

    Default value: version

    Possible values:

    • version: Only display the version
    • verbose: Show all the build information
    • json: Show all the build information encoded as JSON

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