Deploy to Docker

Deploy to Docker

Generate a fpd API Token in the Studio

Register a daemon

In order for the fpd to talk to the Fiberplane Studio successfully it needs to be successfully authorized. This step will generate a fpd API Token that will be needed later.

  1. Go to your Fiberplane Settings page.
  2. Click + New to register a proxy with a name that identifies the cluster you will install it into (for example, "Production"). This will generate and display a fpd API Token that the proxy will use to authenticate with the Fiberplane Studio.
  3. Copy the fpd API Token generated in Step 2 for the next step.

Deploy using Docker

  1. Make sure you have Docker installed:
  2. Create a data_sources.yaml in the current directory in the following format:
# data_sources.yaml
# Replace the following line with the name of the data source
- name: prometheus-prod
  description: Prometheus (Production)
  providerType: prometheus
    # Replace the following line with your Prometheus URL
    url: http://prometheus
  1. Run the following command replacing <FPD_API_TOKEN> with the fpd API Token created earlier:
docker run \
  -v "$PWD/data_sources.yaml:/app/data_sources.yaml" \
  fiberplane/fpd:v2 \

Once you complete your fpd setup, your data sources linked in the fpd configuration should be recognized by the Studio - you can verify this again by going to the Settings > Data Sources screen.๐Ÿ‘‡
